Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gadhafi, Libya's leader for 42 years, killed

Waasi wa Libya wakiangalia tundu linalodaiwa alijificha aliyekuwa kiongozi wa Nchi hiyo Muammar Gaddafi kabla ya kukamatwa

Raia wa Libya wakisherehekea mjini Tripoli baada yakusikia aliyekuwa kiongozi wa Nchi hiyo Muammar Gaddafi amekamatwa na waasi

Hapa ni mwili wake baada ya kuuawa

Early Thursday morning, reports started emerging out of Libya that former strongman Moammar Gadhafi had been killed in a NATO-led airstrike. Later in the day, opposition National Transitional Council leader and interim government prime minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil confirmed reports of Gadhafi's death, according to the Associated Press. NATO and the White House have yet to independently confirm the reports.

The NTC information minister told Reuters, "He was killed in an attack by the fighters. There is footage of that." If the news is confirmed, the episode would make Gadhafi the first leader killed as a result of the Arab Spring uprisings, the Associated Press notes in its obituary of the leader, which it published at 10:53 EST.

According to reports from multiple sources, Gadhafi was fleeing a NATO-led rebel attack on the former leader's hometown of Sirte, which had been a last remaining stronghold for Gadhafi forces. According to the Reuters' report, the rebels found the former Libyan strongman hiding in a hole in the ground; the rebel fighter who found Gadhafi said that the Libyan leader repeated "Don't shoot, don't shoot" upon his capture. The BBC reported that the same rebel fighter was "brandishing" a golden pistol which he said belonged to the Libyan strongman.